Sunday, September 5, 2010

Be proud you are human

Be Proud You Are Human
I admire the human race. Everybody is running us down, these days, for the mess say we have made here and thereand everywhere. Tha's short-range stuff. over the marching and abundant centuries, we haven't made any mess. We have done and are doing a better job than anyone has any right to expect.
From the beggining, we found ourselves alone in a vast universe, and not only alone but the only living thing on this planet which could realize its loneliness. We realized it, gave it a good close look, and then turned our attention to making something pratical and useful out of an unprecedented situation.
First of all, we found a Light, a God, ands we got a sense of direction, a goal to work toward. we proceeded to set up stadards for living together. We made the revolutionary discovery that gentleness and kindness were more pratical than brute strength. No other species has ever found that out and used it as a model and pratical code of conduct. We observe our ideal standards in an remarkable degree. We are honest and trustworthy with another so that is the exception, it is news, when we commit a theft. we are decent 99 percent of the time, when we could easily nbe vile.
With silence and mystery behind us and ahead of us, we make up gay little songs and whistle them, and our feet keep jig time to them. We look life and fate in the eye, and smile. I like that, and I admire the people who do it. Alone among all living things, we have discovered beauty, and we cherish it, it create it for the eye and ear. Alone among living things, we have the power to look at our enviroment and criticize it and improve it.
Finding it necessary to live together by millions, we created for our selves governing system covering vast geograpical spaces. We have coceived the ideal of justice and plan it for men. Finding that we have work to stay alive, we work with ability beyond imaginig. Out of the earth we take fod, and improve that food year by year; we take heat, and light. we enjoy the myriad products of unparalleled ingenuity. Every morning the necessity for the day's work faces us. and we go and do a day's work.
Of persistence, a daring and ingenuity impossible to surpass, we find ways to move easioly under the water and through the air. Now speculatively eye our neighboring planets. how shall I not admire such a creature?
Whenever he comes to an impassable obstacle, an apparently final barrier, he goes to work at it and in due time, surpasses it. If he has limits, i do not see where ther are. I do not think he has limits. i think he is a child of the universe who inherits eternity. I thank he is wonderful, I am his devoted partisan, and I am proud indeed to be one of him.