Thursday, October 7, 2010


Sea Facts!

It is known sea food
Puts you in sea mood
It is known the sea floor
Extends to a sea shore

These are common sea facts
Like when sea waves are calm and free
Crashing to the shore endlessly attracts
Everyone to take of in jest and flee
See not and hear not, there is no evil
Above and below sea level

Most seaports
Have a seaside resort
And most seafronts
Have a sea restaurant

But many rooms with a sea view
Are yet to see a sea rescue
Or watch a sea adventure
With any or at least one sea creature
Like a sea mammal
Or a sea animal

These are common sea facts
The sea has such beauty to attract
With sea shells
Woven from sea spells
To treasured sea beds
And to cherubic sea birds

You need seamanship
To take a sea ship on a trip
Or fly a seaplane
As a sea captain

There have been sea battles and sea bandits
The sea is a venue people love to use to meet
There have been sea monsters and seaquakes
Believe you me some of these myths are not fake
And now I have given you a little sea taste
I urge you not to let these sea facts go to waste

These are common sea facts
On your knowledge they most have made an impact!
Behold, I adore beauty

I adore beauty
Beauty is warm and cold
Beauty is black and bold
Beauty is different for us all I am told
Beauty I would love a chance to mould
Beauty gives the finest pleasure I am told

Beauty can be bought and sold
To the one and only highest bidder
While it graciously glitters like gold
Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion
I adore beauty with every last breath

Beauty itself is not exempt
From the laws of birth and death
It experiences the joys of being young and old
Blossoming each day in early youth
Maturing adoringly each day with age

Behold, I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion

Beauty is something I would like to hold
Where there is too much ugly
I can bring it out of a drawer and unfold
Spread it around the entire household
Without worrying about getting a scold

Behold, I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty

When out on a nightie
Quite hungry and thirsty
And you drink the last drops of milk
From a beautiful chest that is busty
I would say, that itself is a faculty of beauty
God is beauty

The beauty of a lady

Spreading love on Internet

The beauty of the first kiss

On the corner of a dark room

The beauty of a crow

Pecking the food into grasses

The beauty of the skins

The beauty of the smile

Of a pretty girl

The beauty of the morning light

The beauty of a queer feeling

Under the shadow of a tree

The beauty of the sparrows

Bathing in the pond

The beauty of the unknowns

The beauty of forgiveness

The beauty of solitude

At a goodbye party

The beauty of a sinking heart

Driving on a steep road

The beauty of a lady

Walking alone

In the park

The beauty of the laughter of a child

The beauty of being loved

The beauty of the pat unexpected

On our shoulder

Saying I am here beside you

The beauty of making love

Early in the morning!

The beauty of the beauty

The beauty of God

The beauty of Jesus

The beauty of Zoroaster

The beauty of Buddha

The beauty of myths

The beauty of goddess

The beauty of you and I!
For the heart, from the heart

For the heart, from the heart

The treasure heart you keep inside
That keeps my dreams away from harm
Touches my life in every way
And seeds of love revives my heart

The fire that burns inside my mind
Incinerates the deadly fears
Your sound and voice depletes my sins
Your warm melody feeds no stop

For the heart, from the heart

Every heart that beats a day
The shadow path removed to be
And hear my tongue that says no lie
Say my prayers as lullabies

For the heart, from the heart

I fell and kept my knees on ground
You came into my life and lived
And helped me rise from burden's toes
Kissed my lips in eternity

For the heart, from the heart


Scarred heart
Burnt heart
Hollow heart
Rid of all promises,

Healed my heart
Helped my heart
Filled my heart
With all of his sweet promises,

Hopeful heart
Happy heart
Loved heart
Survived on those promises,

But beating heart
Tainted heart
Hurt his heart
Broken promises,

Regretful heart
Reformed heart
The same heart
Kept remaining promises,

His tainted heart
His harmed heart
His mistrusted heart
Left empty promises,

Hollow mind
Hollow soul
Hollow heart
For which his hollow promises,

Left me shattered in pieces.



I have two hearts
Heart is pulsating with blood
And heart is pulsating with love
Heart is overflowing with tears
And heart is overflowing with perfume

Heart is sky
And heart is earth
Heart is coldness
And heart is warmth
Heart is wave
And heart is sand

Heart is a book
And heart is mirage
Heart is flowers
And heart is ashes
Heart is rocks
And heart is peace

Heart is tide
And heart is ebb
Heart is the wound of yesterday,
And heart is the wound of today,
I'll never touch the wounds once again
When hearts are angry
My heart is evergreen
Whoever owns my heart
Will own dreams and hopes
And keys of happiness
Forever and ever

Silent Love
Have you ever been silently in love
With someone you can never have?
So close you can touch her hand
Yet, so far to feel her heart?
Have you ever lived in pretense
Quietly loving without any condition?
A feeling of love that's unknown
Hiding it, not knowing for how long.
Have you ever fallen deeply
Loving the person unconditionally?
So afraid to say what you feel
Acting normal, keeping things still.
Have you ever been hurt unintentionally
But put on a smile, pretended to be happy?
Deep inside you're in pain and suffering
But outside you're jolly and laughing.
Why does holding her hand feel so right?
Your heart smiles everytime she's at sight
Hearing her sweet voice makes your day
Hope you can hug her in a special way.